希望我们的美国破产法问答系列一(德汇美国破产法问答系列(一)Dorsey U.S. Bankruptcy Law Q&A Series One)和系列二(德汇美国破产法问答系列(二)Dorsey U.S. Bankruptcy Law Q&A Series Two)“如何应对美国客户申请第11章破产保护”的文章对您有所裨益。本文为该系列第三篇文章,将针对破产程序初期的相关问题,包括债务人必须进行哪些披露、债务人在破产案件启动时通常会寻求的救济,以及“关键供应商”获得赔偿问题进行讲解。
We hope that you enjoyed Series One (德汇美国破产法问答系列(一)Dorsey U.S. Bankruptcy Law Q&A Series One) and Two (德汇美国破产法问答系列(二)Dorsey U.S. Bankruptcy Law Q&A Series Two) of our U.S. Bankruptcy Law Q&As regarding what to do when a customer files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This Series Three will address questions relating to the early stages of the bankruptcy process, including what disclosures debtors must make, what relief debtors will generally seek at the outset of the case, and how “critical vendors” are treated.
All of these documents are available online through Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER), which charges a fee for each page viewed. A U.S. law firm typically has a PACER subscription. In very large cases, debtors may hire a third party service provider to make such information available for free on a website specifically dedicated for this purpose. Given the often voluminous nature of these filings, it is most efficient to consult with a U.S. bankruptcy attorney to obtain and analyze the relevant information and monitor the bankruptcy case as it proceeds.
Soon after filing a Chapter 11 petition, most debtors file a variety of “first day motions” to obtain permission to take certain actions necessary to keep the debtor’s business going that cannot be taken absent permission from the bankruptcy court. First day motions usually include requests to pay certain pre-bankruptcy debts (such as critical and/or foreign vendors, employees, and insurance premiums), to obtain post-bankruptcy financing, and to use cash collateral that is otherwise subject to a secured interest. It would be worthwhile to consult with a U.S. bankruptcy attorney to determine whether and how such motions may impact your rights in the bankruptcy case.
Debtors obtaining authority to pay critical vendors are generally given broad discretion to use their business judgment to determine which vendors qualify as critical for purposes of payment and how much to pay them. Moreover, to the extent debtors are given the authority to pay critical vendors, they are often expressly permitted to condition payments to critical vendors on those vendors agreeing to proceed according to terms as good as or better than those that applied to the relationship between the debtor and the vendor prior to the bankruptcy filing.
The meeting of creditors must occur between 21 and 40 days after the filing of the bankruptcy petition, although the U.S. Trustee’s office may adjourn the meeting. Suppliers should consider having their U.S. bankruptcy counsel attend the meeting, both to get a better sense of where the case is headed and to examine the debtor under oath, if desired.
A Chapter 11 bankruptcy case may be dismissed for a variety of reasons, including that the case was filed in “bad faith.” When considering whether a Chapter 11 case is filed in bad faith, the bankruptcy court will look at the totality of the circumstances and decide whether the debtor actually needs Chapter 11 protection and intends to use the substantial benefits afforded by bankruptcy law to reorganize its financial affairs. In practice, bankruptcy courts tend to be cautious to dismiss a Chapter 11 case at the outset and usually wait to see whether there are other bases for dismissal, such as failure to comply with a court order or failure to timely provide information or attend meetings.
Please keep an eye out for Series Four which will address questions relating to how claims are filed and dealt with in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.
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德汇律师事务所是一家有107年历史的美国律师事务所,在美国、加拿大、欧洲和亚洲(包括北京、上海和香港)拥有19家分所。作为一家美国AMLAW100的律师事务所,德汇为各行业的企业提供全方位法律服务,并被《钱伯斯美国》评选为“领先的律师事务所”以及被U.S. News评选为“最佳律师事务所”。
Dorsey & Whitney is a U.S. law firm with 107 years of history and 19 offices in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia, including Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. As an AMLAW 100firm providing full services to business organizations in a wide range of industries, Dorsey is recognized as a “Leading Firm” by Chambers USA and is ranked in U.S. News Best Law Firms.
Dorsey & Whitney Bankruptcy Team